John Clark
John Clark
I’m involved in several activities at MVUU. Many of you know me as a Practice Associate; some of you know me as the leader of the Sunday Morning Book Group. It’s the book group that captured me a couple of weeks after Meg Kidwell invited me to attend MVUU in the Fall of 2004. About 80 books later I can say that the Book Group has been the single most important contributor to my intellectual growth in the past 12 years. It takes us several weeks to read each book so we can discuss each chapter in depth. We share views and ideas on big subjects like the history of Unitarian Universalism, the components of human personality, why there is something rather than nothing in the universe, how medicine can help us live better lives as we age, how mindfulness meditation changes us, why people have different values and currently how evangelical Christians learn to hear God talk to them. I would never have confronted those and dozens of other topics on my own.